Greater Good Health Blog

How to Talk to Your Doctor About Senior Health Concerns
Do you ever feel nervous, embarrassed, or unsure about communicating your health concerns with your doctor? To ensure that seniors receive the best possible healthcare, they must be willing to communicate openly and honestly with their healthcare providers. Effective communication […]

Navigating Senior Care Options
Finding the most fitting senior care option is extremely important so older adults can get the health support they need while enjoying their best quality of life. Because there are so many choices out there, it may feel overwhelming trying […]

Essential Health Screenings Every Senior Should Get To Stay Proactive and Healthy
Mammogram. Colonoscopy. CT scan. Prostate exam. If these words trigger anxiety or discomfort in you, you are not alone. The possibility of these screening exams finding a health problem that may be life-threatening can feel terrifying. You may think that […]

How Can Seniors Boost Their Immune Systems?
Our immune systems defend our bodies against potentially dangerous infections, sicknesses, and diseases. Thus, we should all take care of our immune systems and work towards strengthening them. But, why is boosting your immune systems especially important for seniors? Seniors, […]

7 Tips for Looking for a Senior Care Job
Are you passionate about senior health and thinking about a career change? Careers in senior care and the demand for senior care professionals are only growing daily. Why is this? According to the World Health Organization, or the WHO, there […]