7 Tips for Looking for a Senior Care Job

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August 19, 2024

Are you passionate about senior health and thinking about a career change? Careers in senior care and the demand for senior care professionals are only growing daily. Why is this? According to the World Health Organization, or the WHO, there were 1 billion seniors aged 60 and older in the world in 2020, and this number is predicted to double by 2050, resulting in 2.1 billion seniors in the world [1]. This calls for a greater need for senior care professionals who can effectively help manage the health of the growing number of seniors. Although this prospective career may be a practical and appealing step in your journey, it is vital that you properly assess your passion for and level of expertise in senior health to find the right job in this space. This blog post will discuss a handful of common roles in senior care, how to find the right job for you, and other tips!

Common Senior Care Job Opportunities

When it comes to senior care jobs, there are a handful of possibilities and opportunities to choose from. It’s all about choosing what is best geared toward your passions, interests, and areas of expertise. Some of the most common senior care job opportunities include: 

    1. Primary Care Physician or Nurse: There is, of course, always a need for primary care physicians and nurses for individuals of all ages. However, seniors often have more health issues than younger individuals, due to a higher prevalence of chronic conditions [2]. This means that primary care physicians and nurses who focus particularly on geriatric health and care play a crucial role in the health of a large population in need of specialized care. Individuals in these professions must perform more complex and advanced medical care, such as administering medications, monitoring health conditions, and coordinating care plans for their patients. 
    2. Caregiver: Being a caregiver or personal care assistant encompasses providing hands-on assistance with daily tasks that seniors may struggle with due to health concerns, like bathing, cooking, cleaning, dressing, and moving around. Caregivers also offer seniors companionship and social support, which is endlessly important for their health and well-being. 
  • Home Health Aide: A home health aide is similar to a caregiver, but with more of a focus on housekeeping and activities of daily living, to ensure that seniors get all of their responsibilities completed with ease. It also may include medical tasks like taking the senior’s pulse and temperature. 
  • Physical Therapist or Occupational Therapist: Physical therapists and Occupational therapists help elderly patients improve their mobility, strength, and independence. Physical therapists accomplish this by teaching their patients physical exercises that enhance overall movement and eliminate pain and discomfort. Occupational therapists accomplish this by teaching their patients adaptations and activities that can improve their daily functioning, like how to bathe without straining their back, how to modify their home environment for ease of mobility, and how to cope with difficult emotions that may be affecting their mental health. 
    1. Social Worker: Social workers in senior care assist their clients and their families navigate healthcare systems, access important resources, and provide emotional support for mental health concerns they may be experiencing. 
  • Nutritionist: Professionals in nutrition help seniors create healthier diets that may improve existing medical conditions and prevent new conditions from developing by educating them about nutrition and healthy eating. 

How to Find Senior Care Jobs

If any of the jobs mentioned previously sparked interest, you may be ready to move on to finding an open position and getting your foot in the door. This can be exciting, but daunting. Here are some tips to help you navigate how to find a senior care job: 

1. Research the Industry

  • Just like there are many different types of senior care jobs, there are also many different senior care settings. Consider all your options, and whether you’d prefer to work in someone’s home, a rehabilitation center, a hospital, a doctor’s office, or somewhere completely different. 
  • Do your research on the industry and what jobs are most prevalent. See if this research matches your personal goals and preferences. 

2. Identify Your Strengths and Preferences

  • Once you have determined what kinds of positions and environments you’d prefer, it’s time to assess what makes you suited to work in senior care. In other words, what makes you stand out? 
  • Think about your “why.” Why do you have such a big passion for senior care? 
  • Determine your skills, experiences, and personal attributes that help show your expertise in this field. 

3. Update Your Resume and Cover Letter

  • Now, it’s time to get detailed. Update your resume and tailor it to fit the types of jobs and positions you are applying for. Highlight your past experiences that helped you gain the skills necessary for a senior care job. For example, did you ever work in a position where you had to be patient with people? Have you worked in a healthcare setting and cared for patients? Do you have a degree of knowledge of medical terminology and conditions, or even a medical degree? These are great things to highlight in your resume, and even better things to expand on in your cover letter!
  • A good trick to keep in mind when writing your resume is to focus on your experiences and skills, and when writing your cover letter is to focus on your passion. This way, those in the field reading your resume can see both sides of your personality — professional and passionate/personal. Don’t forget to include certifications, volunteer work, hard/soft skills, and any other details you find fitting!

4. Utilize Job Search Platforms

  • Nowadays, there are plenty of job search platforms that are overflowing with new job posts each day. When navigating these sites, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But, with organization and utilization of the tools they often provide, job searching can be simple. 
  • Use the “filter” feature to sift through jobs based on location, level of experience, salary, and more. This way, you won’t see jobs that are out of your maximum travel distance, or below your salary requirements. 
  • Dedicate time each day to job search using these platforms. You can either set an alarm for a certain amount of time each day or set a “job alert” notification on the platform, which will notify you every time a job you may be interested in is posted. 

5. Network with Professionals in the Field

  • Connections are an amazing way to get your foot in the door, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience in the field already. If you know anyone who is working in the type of job you desire, or something similar, ask to have a chat with them. Don’t open the conversation asking for a referral — just see if they are available for a casual chat about the field and willing to provide any advice. You may end the conversation with more insight on your search, or if you’re lucky, a referral to an open position!
  • Attending industry events, webinars, and conferences is a great way to meet professionals in the field and make lasting connections. Everyone loves meeting like-minded individuals — meeting others with a passion for senior care can feel inspiring and may give you some guidance on the next steps in your professional journey. 

6. Prepare for Interviews

  • So, you’ve gotten an interview. Congratulations! It is important to prepare before your interview, no matter how preliminary or casual it is. Practice your elevator pitch and talking about your past experiences, and run through your answers to common interview questions. Some common questions include: 
    • Tell me about yourself and your experience. 
    • What led you to apply for this position? 
    • Why are you passionate about senior care? 
    • What are your strengths and weaknesses? 
  • In an interview, it is important to come off as poised and confident, but also human. Try your best to connect with your interviewer and bond over your passion for senior care. Be warm and show the attributes that make you a great fit for the position.

7. Evaluate Potential Employers

  • Employers will assess your capabilities in an interview, but you should also remember to assess them back. The last thing you want is to work for a company that does not align with your values and needs. Some factors you should consider when choosing a senior care employer are: 
    • Reputation: look up this company and read reviews on it, both from employees and customers/clients/patients. Make sure that the company is viewed in an overall positive light, and was not involved in any legal issues or concerning happenings. 
    • Work Culture: The work you do is important, but so is the culture you will be part of. Ask your potential employer about what they do to implement a positive company culture. You should feel as though you fit into this company culture. 
    • Benefits: Does this employer offer health insurance? Dental insurance? Family plans? A 401k? These are all good things to figure out before accepting an offer, depending on what benefits are important to you. 
    • Hours: Make sure you know what hours you will be working before you accept a job offer. Many senior care jobs may include weekend work hours, overtime, or work on holidays. Ask yourself whether the hours your employer presents to you are appropriate for your needs. 
  • Asking your employer about these factors during the interview process is encouraged. However, it is important to also do your research. You can search for company reviews on sites like Glassdoor.com or Indeed.com, for example. 

Apply for a Job in Senior Care at Greater Good Health

If you have a passion for senior care and are searching for a position, look no further! Greater Good Health invests in building strong and talented teams of individuals with one main thing in common: their devotion to senior health care. Check out Greater Good Health’s career page to learn more and see if you’d be a good fit!