Preventing and Managing Age-Related Hearing Loss

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July 15, 2023

Age-related hearing loss, or presbycusis, is a common condition that affects over 37 million adults in America, with about half of these individuals being 75 or older [1]. These data indicate that age-related hearing loss is no rare condition. However, the gradual loss of hearing can significantly impair one’s quality of life, communication abilities, and emotional well-being. But, understanding the causes, preventative measures, and management techniques for hearing loss makes it possible to take proactive steps toward maintaining healthy hearing. Keep reading to learn how!

Understanding Age-Related Hearing Loss

Age-related hearing loss can be described as the gradual decline in one’s hearing ability that typically occurs as a natural part of the aging process. Presbycusis usually affects both ears equally and primarily stems from changes in the inner ear. Genetics and age often palsy a large role in the development of this disorder. However, other factors like noise exposure, medications, and underlying health conditions can contribute to its development. 

Age-related hearing loss is a highly prevalent issue among older adults. As previously mentioned, over 37 million people are affected by presbycusis in America. In addition, though, over 1.5 billion people worldwide are affected by hearing loss in at least one ear [2]. This is a huge proportion of the population, which denotes that it is a topic that must be understood. 

The impact of age-related hearing loss extends far beyond hearing difficulties. It can lead to social isolation, communication issues, reduced cognitive function, and even an increased risk of falls. Therefore, taking steps to prevent and manage age-related hearing loss is crucial for overall well-being.

How to Prevent Hearing Loss

There are many preventative measures you can take in an attempt to prevent age-related hearing loss, such as:

  • Make healthy lifestyle decisions. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help contribute to better hearing health. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, and E, and magnesium, can support auditory function. Additionally, regular exercise improves blood circulation, including in the ears, which helps maintain their health. 
  • Protect your ears in loud environments. Use earplugs or earmuffs in noisy environments, such as concerts, construction sites, or when operating loud machinery. 
  • Lower your volume. When listening to music or watching TV, whether out loud or through headphones, make an effort to keep the volume at a moderate level. In addition, limit your use of headphones unless absolutely necessary.
  • Take regular breaks. If you must be exposed to loud environments for extended periods, take as many breaks as possible. This will give your ears time to rest. 
  • Be mindful of medications [3]. Some medications can have adverse side effects that negatively impact hearing. Consult your doctor about potential side effects, and immediately let them know if you are experiencing hearing loss. 
  • Schedule regular hearing check-ups and screenings. Regular hearing check-ups are extremely important for the early detection of hearing loss conditions. Audiologists are professionally trained to assess your hearing abilities, identify any potential issues, and provide appropriate guidance. 
  • Employ effective communication strategies. Reducing hearing strain during conversations by facing the person directly, ensuring good lighting, minimizing background noise, and asking for repetitions when necessary can improve understanding and reduce struggles. 

Managing Age-Related Hearing Loss

It may be hard to come to terms with losing your healing, even if you are losing it gradually. Hearing loss can have a significant impact on your mental health, due to the social and emotional challenges it presents. Communication difficulties can lead to isolation, frustration, and missing out on important events. These feelings can lead to loneliness, reduced self-esteem, and a decreased sense of belonging and autonomy. To manage and cope with hearing loss: 

  • Explore available treatment options. Various treatment options are available to manage age-related hearing loss. Hearing aids are common devices that amplify sounds, making them easier to hear. They come in different styles and designs, catering to individual preferences. Assistive listening devices, such as TV amplifiers or telephone amplifiers, can further enhance hearing abilities. In severe cases, cochlear implants may be recommended, which bypass damaged portions of the inner ear and directly stimulate the auditory nerve.
  • Adjust to hearing aids or devices. You may find it difficult to adjust to hearing aids or other devices at first. It’s important to set realistic expectations and allow yourself a transition period. Gradually increasing the usage time, experimenting with different settings, and seeking support from your audiologist can aid in the adjustment process. Patience and persistence are key!
  • Use captioning and subtitles. Enable closed captions or subtitles when watching TV, movies, or online videos. This can provide additional context and make it easier to understand and follow the dialogue. 
  • Reach out for support. There is nothing wrong with reaching out for help if you are struggling with hearing loss. In fact, it is encouraged that you reach out for support! There are many organizations and support groups there that cater specifically to people experiencing hearing loss. They offer resources, educational materials, and opportunities for connecting with others who share similar experiences. Check out the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) and the American Tinnitus Association (ATA), for start!

In conclusion, preventing and managing age-related hearing loss requires a proactive approach. Hopefully, this blog has inspired you to prioritize your hearing health, empower yourself with knowledge, and seek professional help when needed. Remember, if you have concerns about your hearing or believe you are at risk for age-related hearing loss, consult with a qualified healthcare professional or audiologist for a thorough evaluation and personalized advice.