Spring Wellness for Seniors: Healthy Living

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Happy multiracial senior friends drinking a tea after workout activities in a park
May 9, 2024

Happy Spring! This is the season of growth and renewal, which means it’s the perfect time for seniors to dedicate time to tending to their wellness. By staying active, managing health ailments/allergies, and nurturing mental health, seniors can get themselves into a positive headspace and healthy physical condition to enjoy the warm weather and sunny days ahead. Keep reading to learn more!


Staying Active in the Spring


  • Enjoying the Outdoors: The short winter days are long gone, which means there’s more daylight and time outdoors to enjoy. Take advantage of this, and get your Vitamin D by spending time out in the sunshine! Vitamin D promotes healthy bones, helps with muscle mobility, and plays a role in maintaining a healthy immune system [1], which are all issues that seniors tend to struggle with. Some examples of outdoor activities that may be fun for seniors to enjoy are picnics, walks, gardening, swimming, and tennis/pickleball (if your health permits.) Spending time outdoors is great for senior health, but it is imperative to remember to take precautions against sun damage. Always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30 on any exposed skin, protect your eyes with sunglasses, and wear a sunhat for extra protection. 
  • Low-Impact Exercises: These simple exercises are a great way to stay active in the Spring, as you can do many of them outdoors in the nice weather. Low-impact exercises encompass movements that don’t put major strain or impact on your joints against the ground [2]. These exercises include walking, yoga, tai chi, swimming, cycling, and more. Remember to wear proper shoes when doing these exercises—ones with arch support and traction soles. Additionally, be aware of your outdoor surroundings and do these exercises in a safe place. If you prefer to complete these exercises indoors, you can do that as well! 

Managing Seasonal Allergies


  • Understanding Allergies: Experiencing seasonal allergies can put a damper on one’s ability to enjoy Spring. One may feel anxious about going outside often where allergens are present, which can cause them to feel avoidant and isolated. Understanding your allergies is important to know how to manage them. You can receive an allergy test from your doctor, which will let you know which allergen(s) are causing you trouble. The most common types of seasonal allergies are pollen, ragweed, burning bush, and mugwort [3]. However, do not assume you know what your allergy is—it is always safer to get tested. Common allergy symptoms include congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes/nose/throat, runny nose/eyes, post-nasal drip, coughing, and fatigue [4]. If you experience these allergy symptoms, and find they get worse in the Spring, speak with your doctor. 
  • Checking Allergen Counts and Planning Ahead: Fortunately, there are great tools out there, like sites that track allergen counts on given days so that you can plan your activities out ahead of time. For example, if you are allergic to pollen and see that the pollen count is high for a day you were planning a picnic, it may be better to reschedule. Allergen count trackers help you make informed decisions on when to stay inside so that you don’t have to resort to always staying inside. 
  • Allergy Management: There are a handful of tools out there to help you manage your allergies. Over-the-counter medications, like Zyrtec or Allegra, can help alleviate the symptoms of allergies so you can still enjoy the Spring. Some medications target specific areas of concern, like nasal sprays for those who suffer from congestion, that you can try. However, make sure to consult your doctor before introducing a new allergy medication into your intake. 

Nurturing Mental Health


  • Mood-Boosting Activities: Seniors may have faced low moods during the winter months due to the lack of sunlight and seasonal depression. Although the sunshine and longer days that come with Spring may automatically boost your mood, many seniors may still struggle to get back into the flow of positivity. Mood-boosting activities, like nature walks, arts and crafts, meditation, and volunteering can help amplify one’s outlook on life and optimism while keeping them busy. 
  • Staying Connected: Socializing and spending time with loved ones is always important for one’s mental well-being, and Spring is the perfect time to plan fun events for you all to enjoy together. Whether it is a group walk in the park, a pool day, or simply drinking lemonade in your backyard, the great weather provides ample chances for socializing, which helps combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. 


By embracing the Spring and making the most out of its opportunities, seniors can improve both their physical and mental health. To learn more about senior health, speak with a provider at Greater Good Health by scheduling an appointment today. Warm wishes for this warm season!